Respiratory Remedy is a combination of child safe essential oils that help address congestion while also boosting your child’s immune system.
Balsam Fir – antimicrobial, antiseptic and expectorant qualities.
Rosalina – considered a safe substitute for eucalyptus, it is gently anti-infectious and helpful when addressing respiratory congestion and infections in children.
Lemon – children respond to lemon’s uplifting aroma and its immune system supporting qualities. Its antimicrobial qualities make it useful when dealing with symptoms of cold, flu or bronchitis.
Spearmint – a more appropriate choice for children than peppermint (peppermint’s menthol levels are too high for children), spearmint is familiar, uplifting and decongesting.
Thyme ct Linalool – recommended for respiratory infections, this gentle linalool rich thyme is perfect for children. It is an effective immune stimulant, and a must when addressing any and all symptoms of respiratory illness.
Balsam Fir (Ocimum basilicum ct linalol), Rosalina (Melaleuca ericifolia), Lemon (Citrus limon), Spearmint (Mentha spicata), Thyme Linalool (Thymus vulgaris ct linalool)
Medical Disclaimer:
Information and statements provided by AroMed Essentials and Lauren Andrews RN, CA, have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health condition or disease. Information and interest only. The information is not designed for self-diagnosis. If you are concerned about a healthcare issue, see your doctor, specialist or ND. Please note that AroMed Essentials accepts no liability for misuse of essential oils or other products.