Energetically and emotionally supportive, copiaba can quiet a restless mind. Has a deep, rich, earthy, resin aroma. Copaiba essential oil is a powerful oil that helps alleviate all types of aches and bodily stress. Equally soothing for difficult or chronic skin issues. The fragrance is calming and helps enhance mood. Our oil comes from trees in Brazil.
Latin Name: Copaifera officinalis
Country of Origin: Brazil
Certified Organic
Extraction Method: Tree tapping
Medical Disclaimer:
Information and statements provided by AroMed Essentials and Lauren Andrews RN, CA, have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health condition or disease. Information and interest only. The information is not designed for self-diagnosis. If you are concerned about a healthcare issue, see your doctor, specialist or ND. Please note that AroMed Essentials accepts no liability for misuse of essential oils or other products.