What is the Endocannabinoid System?

Posted on December 9th, 2020 to AroMed CBD & Aromatherapy Blog by

The body is a beautiful mystery. Our system is made up of particles and neurons that help build every fiber of our being. As humans, we think we already know everything about our bodies, yet scientific discoveries continually prove us wrong.

It was only in the 90’s that another system of the body was discovered through the careful study of what we now call Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, which experienced a spike in public interest due to both its medicinal and recreational properties.

The Physiology of the Endocannabinoid System

As fancy as it sounds, physiology simply means how living organisms function or how body parts work. And the Endocannabinoid System or ECS is a physiological system inside all of us. Sure, we’re familiar with the more popular body systems like the circulatory, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems, but the ECS is equally essential since it contributes to managing the human body’s overall health.

What Does the ECS Do?

The ECS is constantly active and aids in maintaining balance at a cellular level. When Dr. L.A. Matsuda first discovered this system more than three decades ago, he and his team saw that there are Cannabinoid receptors or CBRs present in our central and peripheral nervous system. They are also present in the immune and digestive systems.

What this significant discovery means is that the ECS reacts with these CBRs, making it possible for this system to finetune or retool our physiological functions. It can help manage pain, better facilitate sleep, and can even affect our appetite. As with our mental faculties, the ECS can also impact our memory, behavior, or mood. New studies have been centering around how the ECS manages and interacts with our reproductive capabilities.

Can Management of the ECS Help in Curing Diseases?

The vast impact of the ECS in the human body can be seen in how it mitigates neurological ailments since it is a biological system made of receptors and neurotransmitters.

The concept of centering on the ECS to relieve pain and manage diseases has been a revolutionary discovery. For one, the ECS has been shown to positively react to therapy and helps rehabilitate brain damage.

Other patient testimonies show the ECS regulating neurons and receptors that lead to healing the body’s various internal organs. Even conditions such as arthritis, muscular atrophy and different neurodegenerative dysfunctions can be directly attributed to the disfunction or damage of the ECS.

How Does a Dysfunctional ECS Impact the Body?

When the ECS is damaged, the individual is ultrasensitive to pain or discomfort because the body’s neurons and receptors will overact to sensations and triggers. The body’s pain management system will be heavily compromised.

With this, the person with a dysfunctional ECS will feel a myriad of symptoms and discomfort, from mild headaches to head-splitting migraines.

A damaged ECS can also lead to chronic inflammations in several parts of the body. As a result of damaged receptors that are over triggered, the body will feel pain in areas that are normally tolerable.

How Natural CBD reacts to the ECS

We can manage deficiency in the ECS and restore a person’s health by providing the body with a steady supplement of naturally occurring cannabinoids from plants.

The ECS is the most conclusive evidence of the therapeutic effects of natural cannabinoids in hemp. The ECS receives a healthy boost and stimulation when CBD products are administered to the body, either by directly ingesting or applying as a topical solution.

For best results, a healthy diet, rest, and regular exercise should still complement your intake and consumption of CBD products. It’s the best combination of a naturally healthy lifestyle.

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